
Well, that’s it, the summer is officially over. It’s not the cooler weather or the sudden appearance of socks, no, it’s the fact we have to say goodbye to our beach hut for another eight months.

From the beginning of May until September we’ve had this little oasis of summer on Weymouth beach. No more than a glorified shed in many ways, covered with last year’s (and some of this year’s) more imaginative graffiti. But it’s much more than that to us Dorset Dumplings. Our shabbily painted, BBQ burnt beach hut will always be (so long as we keep up the fees of course) a beacon of bright consistency in an otherwise changing world where nothing is certain these days. We’ve picked the Dumpling Juniors up from school and taken them directly to you for a swim when it probably wasn’t quite warm enough. We’ve cowered under your roof when a sudden downpour threatened our fun. We ate homemade picnics, far too many ice creams, had many giggles, a few tears, a lot of sunburnt necks and shoulders and more than our fair share of family arguments. But now it’s time to say goodbye to you for another year. It’s always a sad moment this, timed as it is with the Dumpling Juniors heading back to school. A massive emotional wallop. But that’s what I’ve always loved about living down here. The regularity of life, each season marked by these little rituals. It maybe a sad day but already we’re looking forward to half term Halloween fun at Abbotsbury Gardens and blustery winter walks along Ringstead Bay. So here’s to you No.58 beach hut, we raise our final 99 with bubblegum sauce to you, until next year anyway.


  1. Hi Dorset Dumpling!

    I wonder if you have heard of the Best in Purbeck Awards? We at Dorset Cottage Holidays are the proud sponsors of the annual awards, which celebrate the very best the wonderful Isle of Purbeck has to offer. With categories celebrating the best bloggers, eateries, food and drink producers, attractions and events in the area, the awards are going from strength to strength each year and building up a fantastic reputation.
    Next year we are hoping to expand our categories to include cosmetics and candles, fine alcohol producers and beyond. We’d really like to include Dorset Dumpling in the 2018 nominees!

    We would love to invite you to attend our annual Best in Purbeck Awards celebration for 2017. Held from 3:30pm on 14th December at one of our 5* luxury holiday homes in Langton Matravers, this would be a great opportunity for you to make contacts with the other Best in Purbeck nominees and to benefit from the endorsements and exposés we write to go along with the nominations.

    Please let me know if you would be interested in joining us on the night, I look forward to hearing from you.

    With best wishes,

    Cally Strowbridge
    Dorset Cottage Holidays

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Cally

      Thank you for the email and the invite. Ordinarily I would have loved to come along but unfortunately I won’t be able to attend as I’ll be in London that day with my day job.

      Many thanks for thinking us Dorset Dumplings though. Would love to be considered a nominee in 2018!

      Very best of luck with it all. ANYTHING that promotes our glorious county is a great thing isn’t it?

      Much love



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