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We love this place! What? You want me to say some more?

Weymouth has its fair share of Spanish Tapas but this is by far the best we’ve visited. Fairly recently opened (September 2014?) it occupies a double fronted building by the Town Bridge on Trinity Road that’s been many restaurants over the years, all of them pretty darn good I may add but none of them quite hitting the mark as far as the public’s concerned. So it was all quite familiar when Mrs. Dumpling and I ventured in last Saturday evening. We tried to get a table by the window but were told we’d have had to book at least a week in advance to secure those inspiring views of the harbour. Drinks first and Mrs. Dumpling’s G & T arrived in what appeared to be a goldfish bowl, minus the fish. This isn’t a criticism by the way, as far as Mrs D is concerned EVERY drink should be delivered this way after a hard day looking after the three demanding Dumpling kids. The food was the usual Spanish suspects; meatballs, peppers stuffed with cod and prawn puree, calamari (best I’ve had in years!), paella etc. but all cooked to perfection. Highlight? Aside from the calamari, probably the Lentajas; a spicy lentil casserole with chorizo that was lip smackingly lovely. I’d also recommend the bread basket too; simple, unusual, delicious. I can see this place becoming a definite Dumpling favourite at any time of the day. Let’s hope La Casa Española doesn’t follow the same fate as previous restaurants on this site. It deserves to become a permanent fixture in the town’s culinary landscape.

La Casa Española
19 Trinity Road

T: 01305 772023

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