AL MOLO – Weymouth


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Al Molo is in the old Pier Bandstand on Weymouth’s Esplanade. My parents-in-law had their wedding reception here, many moons ago now, and we last visited when it was a Chinese restaurant for their anniversary, also many moons ago. So we’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for this place. But due to fussy kids who aren’t as partial to Chinese cuisine as we are, we never had the opportunity to revisit. However, since its recent (and welcome) refurbishment that’s seen it turning into an elegant Italian restaurant we now had an excuse. What kid doesn’t love pasta? Well, our eldest for one (luckily they do fries) but the other two were in heaven!  It’s always been a great place with bags of potential, one of the few restaurants in Weymouth literally on the beach, the sweep of Weymouth Bay on all three sides of you, but would it be any good food-wise?  We were there early evening on a week day and it was already filling up which is always pleasing to see. It’s also “very posh” as my youngest whispered to me. “Is it expensive?” Hmmm. £15 for a main course is a tad more than your average Italian round here but the clue is in the title; ‘fine dining’. I know a few people have complained about this but I think it’s got more to do with us as a nation than Al Molo. We think of Italian food as cheap and fast, we’re pre-conditioned that way. All I can say is, my handmade Tagliatelle con capesante zucchini zafferano e pancetta (Tagliatelle with Scallops Zucchini, Saffron sauce and Pancetta) was superbly cooked and beautifully and delicately presented. And Mrs. Dumpling’s Linguine con cappesante scalogno pesto alla Genovese, pancetta ed un tocco di creme (Linguini with king prawns, brandy , Pesto Genovese and touch of Cream) was also pretty darn special. The staff are attentive and friendly and although “posh” there’s no stuffiness about the place. Half of the restaurant is also devoted to a lounge area with comfy sofas so it could also be used as a stop off for cocktails/drinks/nibbles. And of course there are those magnificent views. One to definitely file under special occasion.

Pier Bandstand, The Esplanade

T: 01305 839888

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