BOOK – Anna Mae’s Mac n Cheese


Having recently survived Camp Bestival us Dumplings are now suffering severe withdrawal symptoms. We want to be back there NOW! So to prolong that festival feeling we got ourselves a copy of the fabulous Anna Mae’s Mac N Cheese cookbook. Anna Mae was one of the culinary stars at CB and she’s been serving up her top notch comfort food at various festivals since 2010. It’s a dish that’s one of our staples in the Dumpling house, especially on Sundays when Mrs. D heads off to work leaving Mr. D in charge, and this little book doesn’t disappoint. Full of inspirational mac n cheese recipes with a twist; The Don Macaroni with homemade pesto or how about The Spicy Juan with Jalapeño chilies?  It’s also just a wonderfully funky, feel good book to own. Head over to Amazon if you’re as mad on the food stuff as we are!

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